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26 February 2013

How to fill NAC TEST Application form ?

Guidance to fill NAC-TEST application form Online

To Fill NASSCOM application, you should have registered and got your Unique ID & password from NASSCOM in your mail.

Applying for NASSCOM - NAC TECH

  1. Go to http://nactech.nasscom.in/
  2. Select register for NAC TECH from the floating box in the right.
  3. Select your state.
  4. Click ("If you have received user id & password ,click Here")  from floating box on the right.
  5. You will get a screen prompting for user ID and password as shown below. 
  6. Before giving your User ID & password check the contents specified below in this blog post and keep it with you ready.
  7. Give your ID and password in it.
8. Fill in the following details

This application consists of 8 Sections which is described as follows.
(* Marked Fields are compulsory)


First Name:*
Middle Name:
last Name:*
Date of Birth:*
Residential Address:*
Phone Number (Landline)*:
Phone Number (Cellphone)*:
Upload Photograph:*  (This must be in .gif, .jpg or .jpeg format only)
Mother's Full Name:*
Father's Full Name:*
Annual Household Income:* (Options will be given 0.5 to 2 Lakhs, 2-5 Lakhs, 5-10 Lakhs,Above 10 Lakhs)

Resident:*  Rural (or) Urban
Current location:*
language Skills:* To fill the language in which you are proficient in.
Do you have a Passport:* Yes (or) No
Fill In The Passport Number: (This will be enabled if you click Yes in the above question)


This section asks you for the details Regarding your PG.

Qualification Details:* Select your qualification from drop down list box.

*Note: If you are a UG Student, Click NOT APPLICABLE from the drop down list box and Go to Section III. Else continue.

PG Period:* Year of entry , Year of passing
College Name:*
College Address:*
College City:*
Aggregate Percentage Scored:* (Do not put % symbol in the given box)
SemesterWise Percentage Scored:* (Do not put % symbol in the given box)


Qualification Details:* Select one qualification from drop down list box. If you have came to graduation after pursuing Diploma, Select Diploma and Graduation.
Candidates who pursued graduation directly after schooling select regular graduation.

The below options from (i) to (vi) will be shown only to the candidates who selected diploma and graduation

(i)   Diploma Period:* Year of entry , Year of passing (ii) Institute Name:*
(iii) Institute Address:*
(iv) Institute City:*
(v) Aggregate Percentage Scored:* (Do not put % symbol in the given box)
(vi) YearWise Percentage Scored:* (Do not put % symbol in the given box)

Graduation Period:* Year of entry , Year of passing
College Name:*
College Address:*
College City:*
Aggregate Percentage Scored:* (Do not put % symbol in the given box)
SemesterWise Percentage Scored:* (Do not put % symbol in the given box)
*Sem 1, Sem 2, Sem 3, Sem 4, Sem 5, Sem 6, Sem 7, Sem 8

Domain:* Select your technology domain from the drop down list box.

*NOTE: Diploma students cannot see Sem 1 & Sem 2 text box in the above category.
Write NA in case of awaiting results. Applicable for 6th , 7th & 8th Sem only.


This section asks your details regarding your schooling.

The below options from (i) to (vi) will not be shown to candidates who selected diploma and graduation

(i)   Medium of Instruction in Class 12th:*
(ii)  Percentage in Class 12th:*
(iii) Year of passing Class 12th:*
(iv) Class 12th School Narne:*
(v)  Class 12th Board Roll No:*
(vi) Year of passing Class 11th:*

Medium of Instruction upto Class 10th:*
Percentage in Class 10th:*
Year of passing Class 10th:*
Class 10th School Name:*
Class 10th Board Roll No:*


Employment Status:* - Employed (or) UnemployedWilling to work out of hometown:* Yes (or) No(If you are willing to work in current residential place, click No , else click Yes)


Test City:*  - Select the nearest city from the list of cities
Test Centre:* Select the test centre which you feel to be nearest to come
Test Part:*  Part A (or) Part A + Part B


Password:* (Can contain Alphabets/Numerals/Special characters - Should not be more than 8 characters)
Confirm Password:* (Repeat the password entered above)
Select a photo-Id document:* 
(Available options - Colege ID, PAN , Voter ID, Licence)
Photo-Id Document Number:* (Enter the unique ID number of your selected document.


     I authorize NASSCOMto share all my details, as indicated in the Registration Form, and test
scores with prospective employers who are interested to look at my profile for recruitment

9.   Click Submit button to submit your details.

10. A Screen with your filled in details will appear to you for your checking.

11. If you want to edit click edit else click Confirm.

12. A mail with your admit card details will be sent to your mail id specified with your admit card attached as PDF file.

That's it.. Now you are eligible for applying NAC TEST on the centre you have requested.

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16 February 2013

NIIT - NITAT 2013, Sample Question paper updated with Answers - Official from NIIT

We have attached sample question paper from NIIT to prepare for the NITAT exam 2013.
The National IT Aptitude test (NITAT) is a 100-minute test.

The test paper has the following sections.
Section 1: Verbal ability
Section 2: Numerical Ability
Section 3: Logical Reasoning
Section 4: Problem SolvingS
Section 5: Team work
Section 6: Result Orientation

Download the sample question paper

CSE TUBE is updating the content for NITAT.
On the way , We have posted the NITAT Mini test conducted in Facebook by NIIT.

There are 3 sets for this.
1. Set 1 - Click Here
2. Set 2 - Click Here
3. Set 3 - Click Here (With answers marked)

If you are online now, You can use the set 3 question paper and grab the 8GB pen drive gift by answering the questions in very short time of 11 seconds or less..

So don't wait, Download and enjoy.

  • Result will be declared from 22nd Feb onwards.
  • Visit your chosen NIIT centre to know your NITAT result & collect your NITAT Scorecard.

Special Benefits for NITAT Top Rankers on 2013
  • National Top 1000 students 
    Congratulatory letter signed by Viswanathan Anand.
  • National Top 30% students 
    Merit Certificate from NIIT.
  • Technology scholarships on NIIT programmes.

For more details, Visit NIIT Education

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